Thursday, April 19, 2018

I Had This Urging

Hello, I had lost my brand new glove and was going crazy trying to find it. A friend had suggested praying to St. Anthony but I felt funny praying for a glove. Finally, she wore me down so I took a few minutes to pray to St. Anthony. I had retraced my steps multiple times to no avail. The last time, I had this urging to look in a strange I went into the breezeway and looked into an umbrella that was hanging upside down and low and behold there was the glove!! I normally don't have the habit of looking inside of a loosely folded up umbrellas but I am glad I followed the "urgings" because there it was!!
Thank you St. Anthony! Gratefully, L.E.

Have a story of St. Anthony's help of your own to share? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~