Friday, September 7, 2012

She Had Lost Hope

My brother died just a week after his 29th birthday. My sister and I decided a couple of weeks later to get my father a statue of Jesus to remind him of my brother. We looked all over for a nice statue of Jesus, but didn't find any that we liked. Finally giving up we went to one last store and saw a statue of Saint Anthony and we felt compelled to buy it. It seemed pretty random to us that we we buying a St. Anthony statue, given the fact that he was the patron saint of lost and found items, yet still we felt the need to buy it and give it to our father to help him with the loss of our brother. This next part is where the story makes sense... My Sister-In-Law had been grieving tremendously over the loss of my brother. They had been together for over 10 years, and they just had a beautiful baby girl that was only a little over 2 months when my brother passed away.

My Sister-In-Law told me to sit down because she had to tell me something that had happened to her. She told me that she had been crying a lot and just praying for God to help her through this. She calmed down and went to give her daughter a bath, when she came back into the baby's room, she saw something in the crib. Now, nothing is ever in the crib because its dangerous for babies to have items in their crib because they can choke on things, and no one lives with her so it was weird that something was in the crib because no one could have dropped anything in the crib. She went over and picked up the small object and first noticed it was a very old medal - it looked worn, like someone had been rubbing on it with their fingers. Then she read the inscription, and it was a Saint Anthony medal. She began to cry because the medal was directly laid on the spot where she lies her baby down to sleep. She knew this was the works of God. She went to her Priest and told him about the medal and he told her that it is without a doubt a sign from God. My Sister-In-Law said at first she didn't understand, why Saint Anthony? But then she realized, he helps find lost things... and since her husband died, Saint Anthony is helping her find her hope - and not just her, he is helping my whole family find hope again. Now that is an amazing story of miracles and faith and the power of God !!

Thank you Maria for this beautiful story of hope, lost and found. Have a story of your own to share with our readers? Email it to us and we will post it on our blog~